Bit By Bit

July 19th, 2024

The last week went... well enough, I guess. Better than last time by a bit, though some stress and real life stuff did hold me back a bit. All things considered, I'd put the productive time at about 2 and a half days. The half is from something that wasn't much effort, but was stressful to do, so I had to spend a good bit of time building up the nerve to do it. The real life stuff was figuring out my college schedule, turns out I misinterpreted something and thought I had to take extra classes to graduate on time when I don't. At least, not nearly as many. So I went through my plans and realized I have a bit more freedom than I thought.

As for the list from last week, I got some stuff done, but not much. For the programming course, I forgot that I'm pretty bad with videos when it comes to learning. It could be the course, since it's a subject I've taken a class on that I want to refresh on, but I tend to stop paying attention when it stops being engaging. I assume that it's mostly just due to being material I already know about, which makes it harder to tell when something is new information or not. When I lose even a second or two I always feel like I might've missed something important, so I also rewind a lot and feel like I'm wasting time watching parts I don't need.

It's why I tend to prefer reading. If there isn't anything new, I can just skim past it and start reading normally when I hit the important parts. Maybe I could try 2x Speed to see if I could get the same effect.

For next week, I think I'll go for a game dev course I left on the burner when finals came around back in the spring. I don't think I had as many issues since it was mostly new concepts and left a decent amount of work to the viewer, so there wasn't much I had to worry about skipping.

As for the other stuff, I didn't get the sketch done and obviously the template hasn't been changed, but I did finish that other drawing I mentioned being a pain to restart. Forgot that it's faster to finish on the second go. I definitely could've done more over the week, but I've done enough to not feel that bad about it. For this week, I'll see about getting started on those two, but I mostly want to get into the game dev course and maybe the programming one. We'll see how it goes, I'll write another post next week.