A New Beginning

July 5th, 2024

So, a website, huh? Don't have too much on my mind right now, so I'll talk about what I want to do here.

The main page probably gives an impression that I don't want anyone reading this, but it's more that my interests here are ones that I don't really share with anyone, so I don't feel like dropping it in any of the groups I hang out in. Yeah, it's probably not something I should do forever, but I'm barely dipping into these things, so I'll get started first and share it at some point later. Definitely.

The blog itself is for what you think it's for. I'll write down any hobbies I get into over here into their own posts, or in a weekly-ish post grouping them all. The Art tab will lead to a gallery, which I'll have to figure out later. I don't have much I want to share, and I also need to figure out how I want to put up art there. Format aside, I'll probably make a few more drawings first since I'm not too confident in the older stuff I have. It's not the best idea, and it'll take some time, but whatever, I run this place.

Outside of that, yeah, this is more or less an project I'm working on in my own time, setting up a website. Been kinda bad since I'm relying on a premade format instead of making my own, but at the same time, none of the important stuff seems to be out of my skill range, so I'm not gonna ditch it either.